Friday, January 29, 2010

Friday's state of mind

Knock knock, who's there? Emptiness. Emptiness? Jip, emptiness.

It's 12:07 and by this time, those who are fortunate enought to be called bosses surely should be expecting a degree of productivity from thier employees. I'm not proud to say that today they are not getting that from me. No, no. I'm not mad at them for telling me that salary increases have been frozen, thanks to the flippin' global financial crisis. Damnit!!! I am just not in the mood to do what I am employed to do.

I manage a team of three [myself included] servicing four clients. I am expected, amongst other things, to deliver, lead, motivate, inspire, teach, guide etc. I strongly believe that I do achieve all these and more but it's jus not coming through today. I am only one of three people in the office today. All members of my team are out for most of the day. Could this be the reason for feeling out of "office mood". I'm sure you're dying to find out.

I met an old "friend" yesterday. A friend who had a beautiful black car some few years back. A friend who let me walk some 3 kilometres home at about 11[pm] not to mention that it was raining cats & dogs... a story for another day. He's still a "friend" nonetheless.

He said to me that Thursday has now changed to thirst-day. I actully found myself "drowining" in his creative creation of words. It was one after the other. "Drowning" remember.

I am pretty sure I am not the only one who was "drowning" last night and now feeling as a worthless employee, as I do. But worry not. On Monday we will be refreshed and runinng in full steam like the machine that made the product which made us "drown" last night.

But consider this though "Pocrastination is like masturbation. It feels good but in the end you're only fucking yourself". So understand your work environment at all times. Know when and how to cut corners.

Enjoy the weekend... J&B met and all the after and before parties.

Till again. Cheers

1 comment:

  1. very cool blog.
    I must admit that no 'drowning' was done in my life last night, but I'm feeling pretty inspired nonetheless.
    Maybe its the Friday feeling?
    Can't wait to read the next instalment.
